Before your trip, check the latest government advice for any travel alerts for your destination.


31 January 2025

Buckle up, We've Found Australia's Best Road Trips!

Despite its huge size, driving around Australia is one of the best ways to explore our fascinating country. From the coast to the bush, the mountains to the Outback, hit the road to discover beautiful people and places.

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22 February 2020

Travelling on the long distance railway around Australia

Want to see Australia in style? Travel across Australia via these luxurious railway packages and take it all in.

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01 June 2018

What's the difference between driving in Australia and the USA?

Got the keys to hand and your snacks ready to tackle the open roads of America? Before you do, check out this guide on the differences between driving in the US and Australia.

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16 April 2018

How the Schengen Convention impacts Australian visas

Thinking about making your big trip to Europe? All Australians need to know about Schengen Agreement and what it means for you as you journey from country to country. It's certainly going to make your travels easier, but there are still some quirks you need to know about before you go!

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20 September 2017

Passport advice for a first time traveller

Are you getting your first-ever passport? Here is everything you need to know to make the process go as smoothly as possible!

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08 March 2017

What's the difference between driving in New Zealand and Australia?

If you're planning on going across the ditch on holiday, we've put together some New Zealand driving advice for tourists to make your journey a smooth one.

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31 May 2013

Travel the Australian Outback

Travelling the Australian outback is unforgettable, but it's serious business. Here's TID tips for staying safe while you explore the red centre.

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