Before your trip, check to see if there are current travel alerts for your destination – you can also view the latest government advice.
Gaza−Israel conflict: For travellers in, or planning on travelling to, Israel or the Palestinian Territories, please see our travel alert with more information.

Travel Alerts and Warnings

Travel is exciting and adventurous but there are many events that could impact your trip. When an ‘event’ has already occurred, policies purchased after it won't cover that event.

What is an Event?

An event is circumstances that could result in a claim. Events include things such as:
  • Natural Disasters
  • Severe Weather
  • Riot, strike or civil commotion
Travel insurance will only provide cover for circumstances that are unforeseen or unforeseeable. At the specific time an 'event’ happens, it becomes known. Your policy will not cover a loss that arises when buy a policy, make or undertake travel arrangements when you are aware, or a reasonable person in your circumstances should have been aware of circumstances that could result in a claim.

As a customer if you have a policy purchased prior to the known event, cover may be available where you have no option but to change your travel plans because your service provider cancels or restricts services due to circumstances arising from or related to this event. Where your trip has not yet begun, cover may be available for the lesser of rearrangement or cancellation costs. Not all events are covered, and exclusions may apply, cover is subject to all policy terms, conditions, limits and exclusion.

When an event has already occurred, the event is known and therefore cover relating to the event is not available to new purchases made.

Travel Alerts

TID may publish a travel alert describing the incident and the update on what's covered when the underwriters have assessed the scenario. Regardless of an alert being published, the status of cover will be applied from the date & time the 'event' occurs.

We do not publish an alert for every event. 

We recommend you consider all travel warnings & alerts prior to purchasing a policy.

View Travel Alerts here
This is a brief summary of cover only and does not include the full terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions. Read the PDS before purchasing.