
The top street food you need to try on your next trip to Bali

Reading time: 2 minutes

If you can bring yourself to leave Bali’s beaches for a hot minute, you’ll find a smorgasbord of tasty street food to try. Simply keep your eye out for our top six street foods at one of the island’s many kiosks, or warung, and you’re bound to have a wonderful culinary experience.

1. Sate Lilit

Photo credit Getty/MielPhotos2008

These satay sticks consist of minced meat (usually pork or fish) with coconut milk, ginger and chilli, wound around a sugar cane or bamboo stick and grilled to perfection over charcoal.

2. Nasi campur

Photo credit Getty/Ariyani Tedjo / EyeEm

Usually served with white rice, nasi campur consists of a number of different elements, making it a tasting board in a bowl. The dish often features shrimp/prawn crackers called krupuk, as well as grilled fish, curry beef and tempeh, fried egg, green beans and eggplant.

3. Babi Guling

Photo credit Getty/Kanawa_Studio

A Bali specialty, you’re unlikely to find babi guling anywhere else in mostly-Muslim Indonesia. Suckling pig can be either served on its own or as part of another dish, with the pig roasted over the fire to bring out the full smoky-sweet flavours of the meat, enhanced by the stuffing of onions, ginger, garlic and tumeric.

4. Lawar

Photo creddit Getty/MielPhotos2008

Take veggies, minced meat, coconut, throw some babi guling and rice into the mix and you’ve got lawar. Readily available from warungs across Bali, lawar can come in a number of varieties, served most commonly with jackfruit or pork. You can even find dragonfly lawar if you have a more adventurous palate.

5. Pisang goreng

Photo credit Getty/AmalliaEka

Feel like a sweet treat? Pisang goreng consists of deep fried banana fritters, often accompanied by ice cream or drizzled in caramel or palm sugar sauce.

6. Pisang Rai

Perfect for a mid-morning snack to go with your Balinese kopi (coffee) or a light dessert, pisang rai takes two of Bali’s most delicious fruits and combines them to make coconut banana bites. The banana is cooked with rice flour before being covered with grated coconut to give the pisang rai its signature texture. It can also be served with brown sugar and pineapple sauce for a true sugar rush.

Ready to sample some of Bali’s best street foods for yourself? Make sure that you don’t hop on that plane without travel insurance.


TID is an Australian online travel insurance company.


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