
How to celebrate Pride/LGBTQ+ life around the world

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It’s time to throw your inhibitions to the wind and get the party started! Plan a trip to one of these Pride/LGBTQ+ festivals and you can count on a seriously good time. From Brazil to Madrid and Tel Aviv to New York City, these fun-filled fiestas are as much about activism as they are about diversity and acceptance – you’re amazing just as you are.

São Paulo Gay Pride Parade, Brazil – June

This gay pride festival holds the official title of being the biggest in the world. Attracting crowds of more than 5 million every year, a 4.2km parade down São Paulo’s main drag is just the beginning – the five-day festival brings the city to life with parties, performances, concerts and street markets. Stay in Jardin for some of the city’s best bars and restaurants, or snag a hotel along Avenida Paulista to cheer on the parade from your balcony.

LA Pride Festival and Parade, USA – June

LA Pride started out in 1970 as the world’s first permitted parade advocating for gay rights. These days, people flock from across the US (and the world) to be part of the action. And action there is. West Hollywood (call it WEHO if you want to mix it with the cool kids) turns into party central, with bars and clubs striving to outdo each other with celebrity DJs, pool parties and live acts. Don’t miss Pride in the Park, the multi-stage outdoor music festival that precedes the big parade down Hollywood Boulevard the day after.

Pride Week, Tel Aviv, Israel – June

Tel Aviv isn’t known as the gay capital of the Middle East for nothing. This warm and welcoming city openly embraces people of all persuasions every day of the year, culminating in a celebration of freedom and inclusivity during Pride Week every June. Israelis really know how to party so get ready to cut loose during the eventful week with an energy-fuelled parade through the heart of the city and an afterparty that will have you dancing until the sun comes up.

NYC Pride March, USA – June

This purposeful parade commemorates the Stonewall rebellion that took place in 1969 following a police raid on an underground gar bar. The spontaneous uprising marked a turning point in the fight for gay rights, with NYC Pride both a celebration and an opportunity to have LGBTQIA+ voices heard. The weekend kicks off with a rocking Pride Island music festival in New York Harbor, followed by PrideMarch, a 12-hour parade and civil rights demonstration, and culminating in the PrideFest street fair.

Madrid Orgullo, Spain – June

Attracting pride enthusiasts in the millions from Europe and beyond, Madrid Orgullo (MADO) is a celebration of inclusion. Book ahead to stay in the neighbourhood of Chueca during the week-long June/July festival – it’s abuzz with energy and nightlife. The parade, one of the largest (and most flamboyant) in the world, is one of many events to take place in the city – along with theatre performances, art exhibitions and the not-to-be-missed high-heel race, now in its 24th year.

Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras, Sydney, Australia – Feb/March

Summer wouldn’t be summer without the Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras, a high-energy parade of glam and glitter. Snaking its way along crowd-lined Oxford Street, the parade of 200 floats and 12,500 marchers, twirlers and dancers is the biggest event in a two-week festival of fun. Concerts, exhibitions, shows and balls abound, representing every letter in the LGBTQIA+ community.

Keep the party going

Pride/LGBTQ+ celebrations can be found throughout the world during Pride Month (June), but why stop there? Join the revelry at Berlin Pride in July; head to Pride Amsterdam in August for parties and a parade with a difference (it’s on water!); and join visitors from across Asia at October’s Taipei Gay Pride in Taiwan. When it comes to celebrating diversity and equality, there’s no reason for the party to end!



I grew up in the US, Germany and Australia, so it feels more foreign for me to stay in one place than to move around. Since then, I’ve called Boston, London, Seattle, Brisbane, Madison and Sydney home for study and work as a journalist, travel writer and photographer. I specialize in adventure travel, social issues and interiors/architecture. Home is now an 1890s cottage in the Blue Mountains near Sydney. I traveled to my seventh continent last year – an action-packed expedition to Antarctica – and have memories galore of my travels. Snowshoeing in the Canadian Rockies, galloping with gauchos in Chilean Patagonia, trekking through Japan, and camel riding in Jordan are among the most memorable. My least favourite travel hiccup was being stranded in Cameroon when I should have been winging my way to Paris for a little me-time. You win some, you lose some.


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